Find a Veterinarian
Using one or more of the fields below you can find veterinarians in your area or locate a specific veterinarian by last name.
- Example 1: If you choose SM in the "Practice Type" field, your search will find all AzVMA members who are small animal veterinarians.
- Example 2: If you choose SM in the "Practice Type" field and Glendale in the "City" field, your search will find only AzVMA members who are small animal veterinarians with practices located in Glendale.
To locate a Specialist: Click Here To locate a Mobile Veterinarian: Click Here
Key to Practice Type - SM = small animals (ex: dogs, cats, birds, rabbits)
- LG = large animals (ex: horses, cows, goats)
- MIX = mixed animals (treat small animals like dogs & cats and large animals like horses)
- EQU = equine (horses)
- EXO = exotic animals
- ZOO = zoo animals
- MOB = mobile (treat your pets at your home)
- REL = relief (works as-needed when full-time veterinarians are away)
- GOVT = government (employed at local, state, or federal government agencies)
- UNIV = university (employed at universities)